General terms and conditions

General Terms and Conditions of Art paintball Europe.


1. General
1.1 These terms and conditions apply to all offers of
The conditions are accessible to everyone and included on the website of On request we will send you a written copy.
1.2 By placing an order you acknowledge that you are in agreement with the delivery and
payment conditions. reserves the right to change its
its delivery and/or payment terms after the expiry of the term.
1.3 Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, the general or specific conditions or
1.3 Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, does not recognize the general or specific conditions or stipulations of third parties.
1.4 guarantees that the delivered product meets the agreement
and meets the specifications listed in the offer.

2. Delivery
2.1 Delivery takes place as long as stocks last. It may happen that something is unexpectedly not available. 
2.2 Within the framework of the rules of distance selling, will execute orders
2.2 Within the framework of the rules of distance selling, will execute orders within 30 days. If this is not possible (because the ordered product is not in stock
stock or no longer deliverable), or there is a delay for other reasons, or an order cannot be
or only partially carried out, then the consumer receives within 1 month
after placing the order and in that case he has the right to cancel the order without cost and notice of default
and notice of default to cancel.
2.3 The delivery obligation of will be met, subject to proof to the contrary, as soon as
The goods delivered by are offered to the consumer. In case of
home, the report of the transporter, containing the refusal of acceptance, serves as complete
proof of the delivery offer.
2.4 All periods mentioned on the website are indicative. No rights can therefore be derived from the periods stated. 
2.5 The sending of paint is at the risk of the consumer because of possible breaks.


3. Prices
3.1 Prices are within the duration of the offer is not increased, unless legal measures
3.1 Prices will not be increased within the duration of the offer, unless legal measures make it necessary or if the manufacturer interim price increases.
3.2 All prices on the site are subject to printing and typing errors. No liability is accepted for the consequences of
no liability is accepted for the consequences of misprints and typesetting errors.
3.3 All prices on the site are in EURO and include 9% or 21% VAT.

4. Trial Period / Right of Withdrawal
4.1 If there is a consumer purchase, according to the Distance Selling Act
(Article 7:5 BW), the buyer has the right (part of) the goods delivered within a
period of 14 working days without giving any reason. This period commences at the moment
moment the ordered goods are delivered. If, after this period, the buyer does not
delivered goods to, the sale is a fact. The
The buyer is obliged, before proceeding to return goods, within the period of 14
working days after delivery, to notify in writing (email). The buyer needs to
prove that the delivered goods have been sent back in time, for instance by means of a
proof of postal delivery. Return of the goods must occur in the original packaging/seal (including accessories and related documentation) and
(including accessories and accompanying documentation) and in new condition. If the goods at
If the goods have been used, encumbered or damaged in any way by the buyer, the right to dissolution within the meaning of this
termination within the meaning of this paragraph. Taking into account what is stated in the previous sentence, carries shall ensure that, within 30 days after the good receipt of the return shipment
the full purchase amount (possibly including the calculated shipping costs) to the purchaser will be
repaid. The return of the delivered goods will be entirely at the expense and risk of the

4.2 The right of withdrawal does not apply to:
- Services of which the execution, with the consent of the consumer, has started before the period
of seven working days
- Goods or services of which the price is linked to fluctuations on the financial market
on which the supplier has no influence
- Goods that are made to the consumer's specifications, for example custom-made, or
that have a clearly personal character
- For goods or services which by their nature cannot be returned, for example
in connection with hygiene or that spoil or age quickly
- Markers and computer software of which the consumer has broken the seal
has been broken and/or the seal has been removed
- The supply of newspapers and magazines; for the services of betting and lotteries

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5. Data management
5.1 If you place an order with, your data will be included in the
in the customer database of Artpaintball. adheres to the Data Protection Act and will not provide your data to third parties.
See our Privacy Policy.
5.2 respects the privacy of the users of the internet site and ensures
ensure the confidential treatment of your personal data.
5.3 In some cases, makes use of a mailing list.

Each mailing contains instructions for removing yourself from this list.


6. Warranty
6.1 guarantees that the delivered products meet the requirements of usability, reliability and
of usability, reliability and durability as they are reasonably intended by the parties to the
agreement are reasonably intended, and is therefore responsible for the factory warranty of the
the product delivered to you. The right to warranty is always in consultation with the manufacturer of the article.
6.2 The warranty period of corresponds to the manufacturer's warranty period.
However, is never responsible for the eventual suitability of the
for each individual application by the client, nor for any advice regarding the use or application of the
use or application of the goods.
6.3 The buyer is obliged to check the delivered goods immediately upon receipt. If it appears that
If it turns out that the delivered goods are wrong, faulty or incomplete, the buyer must (before returning the goods) check whether the goods are correct.
return the delivered goods to, the purchaser must immediately report these defects in writing to
to in writing. Any defects or wrongly delivered goods should and
can be reported in writing to within 14 days after delivery.
reported in writing. Return of the goods has to happen in the original packaging (including accessories and
accessories and accompanying documentation) and in new condition. Putting into use after
after detection of the defect, damage occurring after detection of the defect, encumbrance and/or resale after
resale after the discovery of the defect, makes this right to complain and return completely void.
This right to claim and return expires completely.
6.4 is not responsible for damage caused by intent or equal recklessness.
to be equated to deliberate recklessness of incompetent users.
6.5 This guarantee does not apply if: A) and as long as the buyer is in default towards
B) the purchaser has repaired and/or processed the delivered goods himself or by third parties.
B) the buyer has repaired and/or modified the delivered goods himself/herself or has had them repaired and/or modified by third parties. C) the delivered goods have been exposed to abnormal circumstances
C) the delivered goods are exposed to abnormal conditions or are otherwise carelessly treated or in violation with the instructions of and/or instructions for use on the packaging; D) the inadequacy of the delivered goods
D) the inadequacy is entirely or partially the result of regulations that the government has
D) the inadequacy is entirely or partially the result of regulations that the government has made or will make regarding the nature or quality of the applied materials;

7. Offers
7.1 Offers are without obligation, unless stated otherwise in the offer.
7.2 Upon acceptance of a noncommittal offer by the buyer, reserves the right to
7.2 When a noncommittal offer is accepted by the buyer, reserves the right to revoke or change the offer within 3 working days after receiving the acceptance.
or to deviate from it.
7.3 Oral commitments are only binding to after they have been explicitly and
confirmed in writing.
7.4 Offers from do not automatically apply to repeat orders.
7.5 cannot be held to its offer if the buyer should have
understand that the offer, or a part thereof, contains an obvious mistake or error.
error or mistake.
7.6 Supplements, changes and/or further agreements are only valid if they have been agreed upon in writing.
agreed upon in writing.

8. Agreement
8.1 An agreement between and a customer comes into being after an
order is assessed on feasibility by
8.2 reserves the right to not accept or only accept orders without reason.
or orders without giving reasons or to accept only under the condition that the
dispatch occurs under cash on delivery or after prepayment.


9. Images and specifications
9.1 All images; photographs, drawings etc.; including data on weights, dimensions,
colors, images of labels, etc. on the internet site of are only approximate
approximation, are indicative and cannot be a reason for compensation or dissolution of the agreement.

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10. Force Majeure
10.1 is not responsible if and as far as its commitments cannot be
10.1 is not liable if and as far as its commitments cannot be complied with due to force majeure.
10.2 Force majeure is understood to be any strange cause, as well as any circumstance that
10.2 Force majeure is understood to mean any foreign cause, as well as any circumstance which in all reasonableness should not be at its risk. Delay at or failure to perform by our
suppliers, internet disruptions, power failures, email traffic disruptions and changes in
disruptions or changes in technology provided by third parties, transport difficulties
strikes, government measures, delays in the supply, negligence of suppliers
and/or manufacturers of as well as of auxiliary persons, illness of staff
deficiencies in auxiliary or transport means count explicitly as force majeure.
10.3 In the event of force majeure, reserves the right to suspend its
obligations and is also entitled to dissolve the agreement partially or completely, or to
10.3 In case of force majeure reserves the right to suspend its obligations and is also entitled to dissolve the agreement wholly or partially, or to claim that the content of the agreement is amended in such a way that
execution remains possible. In no case is held to pay any fine or
In no case is held to pay any fine or compensation for damages.
10.4 If has already partially fulfilled its obligations when the force majeure occurs, or
obligations, or can only partially fulfil its obligations, it has the right to
10.4 If has already partially fulfilled its obligations when the force majeure occurs, or can only partially fulfil its obligations, it has the right to invoice the already delivered or deliverable part separately and the customer is
obliged to pay this invoice as if it were a separate contract. However, this does not apply if
the part already delivered or deliverable has no independent value.

11. Liability
11.1 is not responsible for damage caused to vehicles or other objects
objects caused by misuse of the products. Before use, read the instructions on the
Read the instructions on the packaging and/or consult our website before use. The use of the products delivered by us is at your own risk.
11.2 is not responsible for any breaks in the shipment of paint, this is at the consumer's own risk.


12. Retention of title
12.1 Ownership of all sold and delivered goods by to the buyer
remains with as long as the buyer has not paid the claims of on account of the
on account of the agreement or previous or later similar agreements,
as long as the consumer has not paid the performed or still to be performed activities
agreements and as long as the buyer has not paid the claims of for
for failure in the fulfillment of such obligations,
including claims regarding fines, interest and costs, all this as meant in article 3:92 of the Dutch Civil Code.
in article 3:92 of the Dutch Civil Code.
12.2 Goods delivered by that fall under the reservation of ownership
12.2 The goods delivered by that fall under the reservation of ownership may only be sold on within the framework of a normal company exercise and may never be used as
Never be used as a means of payment.
12.3 The buyer is not authorized to pawn goods that fall under the retention of title, nor to
12.3 The customer is not authorised to pledge the goods falling under the retention of title or to encumber them in any other way.
12.4 The customer gives already now unconditional and irrevocable permission to or a third party appointed by to, in all cases
in which wishes to exercise its ownership rights, to enter all those places
where its property will be located and to take these goods there.
12.5 If third parties seize the delivered goods under retention of title or if they want to
12.5 If third parties seize goods delivered under reservation of ownership or wish to establish or assert rights on them, the purchaser is obliged to inform as soon as
12.5 If third parties seize goods delivered under reservation of ownership, or wish to establish or assert rights on those goods, the buyer is obligated to inform as soon as may reasonably be expected.
12.6 The buyer obliges himself/herself to insure the delivered goods under reservation of
12.6 The purchaser obliges himself to insure and keep insured the delivered goods under reservation of ownership against fire, explosion and water damage as well as against theft and to
The policy of this insurance shall be made available for inspection by at the first request.


13. Mandatory identification upon purchase of a Marker
13.1 When buying a Marker we are obliged to check if the consumer is 18 years or older.
13.2 After ordering/paying, the consumer will receive a form which has to be completed and signed, and returned together with a copy of valid identification.